U.S. Government Pays Middle Class Families to Go Solar

U.S. Government Pays Middle Class Families to Go Solar

Thinking about going solar? Right now is the time to switch! Millions of Americans are not aware that they qualify for free solar panels. Homeowners in specific zip codes could get the chance to enjoy a solar-powered home and pay $0 for panels and installation. But how does it work? We are here to explain the basic overview of solar incentives.
  • Sun Path Electric
Solar Could Be The Cheapest Power Source By 2020

Solar Could Be The Cheapest Power Source By 2020

With energy price hikes happening every year, alternative power sources are becoming even more attractive. In the U.S., retail residential electricity rates have risen across the nation at an average of 4%. The rise of renewables is becoming apparent. Leading the energy revolution is no other than solar.
  • Sun Path Electric
Your Solar Glossary

Your Solar Glossary

Part of the challenge of switching to solar is understanding unfamiliar industry jargon. Solar doesn’t have to be confusing or complicated. We’ve simplified some of the need-to-knows with this A-Z solar glossary. Learn the key terms and acronyms like ITC, DC, REAP and a bunch of other words to help you gain better insight on solar power!
How Going Solar Changes Your Life

How Going Solar Changes Your Life

Are you a solar shopper planning to have a system installed? Have you taken the time to think about the ways solar will change your life? Solar power is slowly starting to creep into the average American lifestyle.
  • Sun Path Electric
How Do I Maintain My Solar System?

How Do I Maintain My Solar System?

Solar panels are incredibly durable. Aside from the tracking mounts, there are no moveable parts, so they require very little to no maintenance. Any failures that do occur are usually related to energy production. However, providing some care to your system will ensure you have long-lasting equipment. These tips could help you achieve decades of clean energy.
  • Sun Path Electric
Make Money While You Sleep With Net Metering

Make Money While You Sleep With Net Metering

Solar energy is currently a 50-state market. Of course, what entices most shoppers is the fact that using solar power reduces dependency on the grid - which means lower electric bills. It can minimize a home’s carbon footprint, too. But how does this happen? An important part of the process is net metering.