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Estimating Your Savings Potential

There are 3 pieces of information we will need in order to get started:

1. Your address and electric bill that shows your annual electric killowatt hour (kWh) usage. Understanding your yearly electricity needs helps us decide the right solar array size for your home.

2. A picture of your electric panel. We need to make sure there is enough space on the panel to add solar.

3. How old your roof is. Sun Path suggests your roof have at least 10 years left on it.

5 Question to Ask Before Going Solar

If you're starting to think about going solar, knowing that your home is a good match for solar makes the shopping process much easier. We can help you evaluate your fit, but if you aren't ready to speak with us yet, download our checklist to make the preliminary assessment yourself. The list includes the top five questions and answers that will help you determine whether solar is right for your home (it might surprise you!)
Download 5-Steps to Solar Checklist

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Residential solar power is more popular than ever in the United States. Last year, the U.S. installed enough solar to power 5.4 million homes across the country. It's no wonder homeowners love being powered by the sun: when you install solar, you can save money on your electricity bills, increase your property value, and do your part to protect the environment.